Sunday, December 29, 2019

I Am Not Your Typical Stereotype Essay - 955 Words

Whichever sex we are, be it male or female, at the early stages of life we discover, or in other cases are taught what is expected of us. Our cultural background will have some bearing on the path we take to make it to adulthood. People with different sexual orientation, economic and social status, just to name a few, are often stereotyped by others because of sketchy images they have grown up with. Within this paper, I will present three everyday stereotypes I grew up believing and now experience as an adult, then offer insight of how I took control of my life to rise above the barriers to develop into the person I am today. As our parents nurtured us from babies to teenagers, we learn how we are supposed to think and act to be†¦show more content†¦One of my friends came up to me and said, â€Å"she not your date† and I turned immediately all shades of red. After that experience, I then knew that it was expected of me to like boys. The schools did not teach what being gay meant, I just knew I felt different. I grew up in a deeply religious family so liking girls was not an option. A television show that was on when I was growing up was Three’s Company; a man pretends to be gay so that he can live with two women. This was the first reference of homosexuality on television (Ploshay, 2007). The way television and the media portrays a character has a last affect on their viewers and readers. My senior year of high school I lost weight, starting wearing contacts and played on the girls’ basketball team. I started dating a guy who ran track and had a promising future ahead of him. Our relationship became serious but I just did not have feelings for him like the ones my friends talked about having with their boyfriends. I ended up marrying the guy before leaving for basic training with the Air Force. After joining the Air Force, I finally met my first â€Å"official† lesbian. She took me to a cook out where there were other lesbian. For the first time in my life, I felt free to be me. However, at that time if you were caught having a lesbian relationship you were dishonorably discharged, no questions asked. I started attending Pro-Choice events when onShow MoreRelatedAbout A Month Ago I Did Not Notice Anything Out Of The1206 Words   |  5 PagesAbout a month ago I did not notice anything out of the ordinary in my everyday life on the subject of gender. Yes, there have always been jokes about the women’s place being in the kitchen and men getting all sorts of privilege, but I never really thought too hard about it because it was never anything new. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

The United States Of America - 995 Words

Student’s Name Professor’s Name Subject March 24, 2017 Analytical Essay The United States of America is one of the leading countries of the world in the different contexts – from economic to social. The origins of the country were formed in 16th century by emigrants, who had come from Europe. Such European countries as England, France, Spain and Netherlands launched their colonies in the Eastern America. In the end, these colonies fight for independence from their metropolises and led to existence of the most powerful countries of the world. Description of the Initial Colonies in America European emigrants came to America, seeking for new lands, gold and other benefits. Generally, people from Europe were looking for a better life in†¦show more content†¦That is why Great Britain tried to get the gold stocks from America and other goods, which should be exchanged for gold later. Taking it into account it is possible to say, that primary goal of colonization of the Northern America was to use its wealth to increase economic influence of Great Britain in Europe. American colonies were mainly considered as raw material appendage for Great Britain. Such situation led to negative political attitude of metropolis to the colonies. It has created preconditions for colonies’ fight for independence later. On the other hand, there were also political and social reasons for colonization. People run away from Europe to avoid religious and political persecution. They also tried to avoid poverty in Europe. Such situation created a respective system of values in those people. Once again, spirit of adventurism should be mentioned. Those people have a strong and persistent character to fight against the metropolis and get independence. As it has been already mentioned, the initial colonies were founded by such countries as England, France, Spain, Netherlands and even Russia. These initial colonies on the East Coast were New Hampshire, New York, Georgia, South Carolina, Virginia and North Carolina, etc. Economic and Politic Preconditions for the war for Independence The economic and political states of the American colonies were quite common for that period. Each colony had a kind of self-regulated government. All the colonies cooperatedShow MoreRelatedThe United States Of America1536 Words   |  7 PagesThe United States of America is well known throughout the world for tis democracy ant the freedoms of its citizens. Since declaring its Independence from Great Britain rule in 1776, the United States of America has undergone a continuous effort to maintain law and order. In order to create a strong federal government with a system of check and balances the Constitution was proposed and ratified. The Constitution of the United States became the Supreme law of the land. 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I would like to address the current situation that has been haunting America for quite some time now. In the last century, technology all around the world has undergone dramatic changes, whether it isRead MoreThe United States Of America1340 Words   |  6 PagesThe journey of how the United States of America became the United States of America is a very complex one. With America declaring separation from the Great English Empire, to the organization of becoming a free, sovereign nation and lastly, the migration and colonization of the now, western United States, including the great state of Nevada, has many components. The Declaration of Independence initiated the process of becoming a country of its own. This Document pushed the separation from England

Friday, December 13, 2019

A True Hero Free Essays

Anonymous Prof. Smith 2 October 2011 A True Hero Soaring through fiery infernos, slaying dragons, rescuing the damsel in distress; heroes are stereotypically viewed as those who go through a heart-pounding adventure to save the love of their life. However, this does not always have to be the case, especially in real life. We will write a custom essay sample on A True Hero or any similar topic only for you Order Now Although some may disagree, Gilgamesh is a hero is his own right because of his bravery, perseverance and loyalty. Just as Gilgamesh has these attributes of a hero, I believe my Grandfather contains these attributes too. My Grandfather, who is my mother’s father, went through a lot in his life to illustrate how he obtained my reverence towards him and why I believe he is a modern-day hero. Bravery is the key component that all heroes share. Without bravery, those defined as heroes would have been unable to overcome obstacles or take chances in their path of life. Determined to prove himself as the mightiest being, Gilgamesh showed his bravery by slaying Humbaba. While my grandfather failed to slay any massive beasts, he confirmed his bravery through other means. My grandfather first stunned me with his bravery when he shared his stories of being in the Navy. This is really impressive to me because I would never have the guts or strength to be able to handle the Navy and serve our country at the risk of sacrificing my life. Both Gilgamesh and my grandfather showed their bravery because they were able to stare death in the eye, and survive. It is also necessary that heroes maintain the ability to persevere or else heroes would be non-existent. Perseverance is the driving force that motivates heroes to keep going even in the face of adversity. If heroes lost perseverance, their journey would end when an obstacle blocked their path. It is a true hero who stands up in the face of adversity and continues to push forward to the finish line. Gilgamesh showed his perseverance after Enkidu died. Faced with adversity, Gilgamesh never took no for an answer as he searched for the key to immortality. Just as Gilgamesh showed perseverance, so too has my grandfather. My grandfather is an avid businessman and has been faced with many obstacles. In business, high risk equals high reward, but high risk can also induce high failure. My grandfather has always told me â€Å"Failures define who you are† because it tests your character. Throughout his career he has faced failure, understood how it felt to own nothing through bankruptcy, but he has never given up. His perseverance through failure made him stronger and led him the successes he was able to obtain. No matter the obstacle, Gilgamesh and my grandfather persevered through difficult times, never gave up, and came out on top. Finally, loyalty is another important trait heroes share. Loyalty is the fundamental reason as to why many heroes are brave and persevere. Whether it is loyalty to a loved one, family, a friend, or even their city, loyalty keeps heroes persevering and motivated. For Gilgamesh, Enkidu was his loyal companion. Their loyalty towards each other was un-measureable and their friendship was unbreakable. When Enkidu passed away, Enkidu inspired Gilgamesh to journey for immortality. My grandfather’s loyalty was persistent throughout his life towards my grandmother, his kids, and even his grandchildren. From the time he met my grandmother he was always completely loyal to her. Through good times and bad they were always at each other’s side. When he had kids it was the same way and even today he shows his loyalty to his grandkids by attending their sporting events or just being there for support. Bravery, perseverance, loyalty: three key components to be recognized as a hero. Each trait plays off the other, but a true hero exemplifies all three. While soaring though fiery infernos, slaying dragons, and rescuing the damsel in distress may be exciting, becoming a hero isn’t as difficult as fairytales make it seem. To be a true hero, ultimately all that is required is a strong and courageous heart, a never-give-up mentality, and faithfulness to all those important in your life. Acquiring these attributes is easy to do and make you a hero in anyone’s eyes, even if it’s just your grandson’s. How to cite A True Hero, Papers