Thursday, February 27, 2020

Why is euripides hate woman Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Why is euripides hate woman - Essay Example Women in this era were expected to be homemakers, and make good wives and mothers, under the rule of their husbands. Therefore, a deviation from this norm would lead to strict sanctions against the women (Powell 4). In Euripides’ Medea, Medea serves as an ancient feminist, denouncing the strict gender roles imposed on women by the society. However, Euripides brings out the â€Å"feminist† as a lunatic, who even kills her own children. To an extent, Euripides portrayed women in negative light to emphasize that women should stick to their place in society, and not seek equality with men, as this makes them outcasts (Powell 8). Euripides’ hatred for women can also been associated with the events in his personal life. Euripides’ personal life was characterized by considerable controversies, judging from the different rumours about his parentage, youth, and marriage. For instance, it is believed that Euripides broke from his first and second marriages because of the infidelity of his wives (Powell 5). This successive unfaithfulness by his wives might have led him to perceive all women in the context of his wives, and therefore, portray them negatively in his plays. Therefore, Euripides hatred for women was influenced by the circumstances he faced in his personal life, the interactions he had with women, as well as the social conditioning from the society in which he

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Business Proposal Photo Travel App Research Paper

Business Proposal Photo Travel App - Research Paper Example They have become ideal companion to traveler as it enables them to not only access information but also services and booking while on transit. Tablets have emerged as effective devices for concluding purchases (Mark 3). However, the increase in use of mobile in the industry has encountered challenges such as little or lack of 4G and Wi-Fi coverage; bad experience of the user design; and frictions that hamper users from concluding transactions through the mobiles. There has been no pressure for marketing apps since users tend to focus activities on some few applications. Moreover, the retention of these users has proved to be quite challenging. The expenses obtaining and user retention is sky rocketing (Tony 3). Interestingly, the cost of retaining the users of the apps is proving to be higher than that used in the acquisition of new users. Despite the above glaring challenges, there are some techniques that can be employed so that apps have a competitive advantage in the climate of business arena. It is advisable for app developers to market the apps just before new devices such as phones are availed into the market. The cost of apps tend to heighten when devices are availed hence there is usually a lot of competition for consumers to download the various applications in the market in the launched new gadgets. It is for these reasons, that when consumers purchase the new launched devices then they have higher chances of downloading the apps that were previously in the mind (Brandon 6). App developers should also use a strong attractive nutritious name that enables the visibility of their apps. The popularity of the install apps through ads is high and optimizes the visibility of through means that are not paid for. The ideal strategy to retain users who already have the app downloads; the developers can incorporate the